In our passage this week, (p. 339) Athanasius explains why it became necessary for God to take on a physical, human body in Jesus Christ. In these three pages, we encounter truth of incredible power. As you ponder it, I hope you will engage the ideas with your own comments.
- According to Athanasius, why is it important to God that we know him?
- What are the natural consequences of turning away from God? How have you seen this in your own life or in the lives of others?
- What are the three ways God makes himself known to us? How has God made himself known to you in these ways?
- Athanasius says there is only one way God can restore humanity. What is it, and how has it been accomplished?
Next week's reading: Soren Kierkegaard: Praying to Will One Thing (a favorite of mine)
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1 comment:
Short on time, but I have a few thoughts that seem appropriate for this week's reading and also for the last two. Catherine of Sienna said that Jesus was our Bridge to God. So true, Athanasius' & Watchman's ideas add warmth to the image.
Watchman Nee said "Jesus is our Friend." Athanasius says that God, Goodness itself, loves us so much he sent His Son to be our Friend and to reconcile us to God who understands us so well.
What an elegantly simple plan. Who does not love one's friend? Who better to draw us closer to what's best for us than a dear friend?
Athanasius said that God gave us the heavens to reflect on, the law & prophets to learn how to live, and His Son to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Law struck me particularly. Experience has taught me that people tend to bulk at rules because they don't understand that they are meant for our good. It's hard to see, given our limitations. Our best Friend has role-modeled for us and could answer "Yes" to all the questions below. If only we could imitate Him ... sweet. BUT, He sent us an Advocate, too! Come, Holy Spirit, come! Amen
Thoughts at Pentecost...
"Wouldn't I?"
[This is a meditation that, I believe, was inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is not mine. It was a gift given to share. Please share this around. It feels like loaves and fishes. Spiritual nourishment, if you will. Part of "Feed my lambs. Feed my sheep." I have been moved tonight to add this comment: Instead of the phrase "if I were in love with God" read "if I were filled with the Holy Spirit." ]
Years ago, I heard these comments about the Ten Commandments. Once, someone remarked that the Commandments are really just directions on how to be happy. At another time, someone else said that they are not really a list of rules but rather a series of statements about how people would act if they were in perfect harmony with God. As I've reflected on those comments over the years, it has made me wonder whether if I were in love with God wouldn't I…
1. Give priority to my Beloved over all others?
2. Speak my Beloved's name only in a loving way?
3. Devote and dedicate special time for enjoying my Beloved?
4. Honor and cherish the guardians and guides -- called by my Beloved to take care of me?
5. Choose to uphold, protect, and defend Life -- so beloved of my Beloved?
6. Be loyal to the sacred trust between us, to the co-mingling of our most secret souls?
7. Regard my Beloved's possessions highly and stand vigil over them?
8. Hold Truth to be more precious than any gain whatsoever?
9. Be so full of happiness as to be glad and joyful about the happiness of those around me?
10. Be so secure, having been gifted with the treasure of treasures, as to congratulate those around me for their success and prosperity?
So, the ultimate questions then must be: Am I in love? Am I living Love? Yeshua told us to be BECOMING perfect as our Father in heaven is BECOMING perfect. Not be perfect, but to always be in the process, step by step, of walking with the Lord. And one day, we will get there.
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