Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Elizabeth O'Conor on Dealing with Money

Church of the Saviour was founded in 1947 in Washington, D.C. It is often said that the Church of the Saviour "reinvented what it means to be a church."

From the beginning, church members have sought to embody Christ in intentional and sacrificial ways, welcoming radical diversity and calling all to be ministers through the generous sacrifice of time, energy and resources. Church members' first priority is total commitment to Christian life.

Interpreting the call to discipleship as the integration of two journeys---an inward journey to grow in love of God, self and others and an outward journey to help mend some part of creation through community ministry--- the church requires of each member: silent retreats, two years of study, an hour a day of prayer and meditation, and tithing of at least 10 percent of income.

On page 251 of Devotional Classics we read a letter from Elizabeth O'Connor, one the early members of Church of the Saviour. In this excerpt, she addresses the subject of money. As you consider this reading, I invite your personal response here (click on "comments" below). A few questions you might think about:

Why is giving so important for Elizabeth O'Connor and her church community?

What are some of your 'gut-level' reactions to this teaching about money?

Pastor Gordon Cosby urged his listeners to reclaim 'for ourselves the energy with which we endowed money.' In what ways have you endowed money with energy? What would be gained by reclaiming that energy?

What does O'Connor see as a motivation for increasing one's giving (section 2)?

Why does money come between people? (section 9)

Next week we will read Sadhu Sundar Singh: Share the Joy with Others
Schedule of readings

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